What is the Seventh-Day Sabbath? Many people can understand the reasoning behind nine of the Ten Commandments – don’t kill, don’t lie, don’t steal. But what about the Sabbath Commandment? Why would God give such a law? Why should we follow it?
The Seventh-Day
What is the Seventh-Day Sabbath? Many people can understand the reasoning behind nine of the Ten Commandments – don’t kill, don’t lie, don’t steal. But what about the Sabbath Commandment? Why would God give such a law? Why should we follow it?
The Seventh Day: Sabbath or Sunday? Revelations from the Lost Pages of History
The Seventh Day: Sabbath or Sunday? Sabbath Observance during the Lifetime of Jesus
The Seventh Day: Sabbath or Sunday? The struggle through history to keep the Sabbath
The Wandering Day – The fight against the only true day of worship, the Sabbath
The History of The Sabbath Part I – Emperors, Popes and Calendars with Pat Arrabito
The Seventh Day: Sabbath or Sunday? – Escaping from the Darkness of the Middle Ages
The Seventh Day: Sabbath or Sunday? – The Sabbath On Trial – Sunday Law
The History of the Sabbath Part II – Sabbath Controversy with Pat Arrabito
The History of the Sabbath Part III – Sabbath through the Middle Ages with Pat Arrabito
The History of the Sabbath Part IV – Sabbath in the Reformation with Pat Arrabito
Sabbath History part V – Revival of the sabbath with Pat Arrabito